Tone Keto Reviews

Keto Tone: If you’re trying to lose weight, or if you have an interest in physical fitness, you’re probably familiar with the ketogenic diet. On this diet, you eat virtually zero carbohydrates, and rely on fat for the majority of your calories. The idea is that by training your body to digest fat, you’ll burn body fat faster.
Some people have an easier time getting into ketosis than others. If you’re one of those people who has a hard time, supplements like Keto Tone are one way to give yourself a boost.
These capsules are marketed as a “natural, safe and effective” way to lose weight. However, that’s a little misleading. On their own, they’re no more effective than a placebo. A more accurate way of describing it would be as an aid to the ketogenic diet, which is indeed a natural, safe, and effective way to lose weight.
Of course, this really just scratches the surface of what Keto Tone is and what it does.
In this review, we’ll look at all of the ingredients in Keto Tone, and explain how they work. We’ll also talk about potential side effects, as well as where you can buy Keto Tone and how much it costs.

What is Keto Tone?

Keto Tone is an all-natural diet supplement that’s designed to help your body to get into a state of ketosis. Once you’re in a state of ketosis, it’s designed to help your body stay there. It’s GMO-free and gluten-free.
Keto Tone’s ingredients are a little bit opaque, but we’ll get into that in a second. To begin with, let’s look at what the manufacturer claims. Their website says that Keto Tone will help you:
  • “Lose weight”
  • “Burn fat in trouble areas”
  • “Get into ketosis fast”
  • “Burn fat for energy (without the jitters)”
  • “Better brain health”
  • “Faster recovery from exercise”
  • “Maintain lean muscle”
These are all effects of the ketogenic diet, which is a popular diet among many people who are trying to lose weight. Attributing them strictly to Keto Tone isn’t 100 percent accurate. However, if you’re taking Keto Tone to help yourself stay in ketosis, you’re likely to experience most of these benefits.
Another benefit – related to “better brain health” – is that some of the ingredients in Keto Tone can help you have an easier time with the “keto flu”, the awkward first week of the keto diet when you feel just plain miserable. Keto flu is a major obstacle for many people who want to get into the ketogenic lifestyle, so any supplement that can help is definitely worth considering.

Pure Keto Tone Ingredients

Remember how we said the ingredients in Keto Tone are a bit opaque? That’s because there’s not much information out there. The manufacturer’s website mentions BHB, but several other sites also list other ingredients. Since supplement companies aren’t exactly known for being straightforward about what’s in their products, we’re going to list all of the ingredients we’ve found.
  • Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, also known as BHB. This is one of the three ketones that your body produces naturally when it’s breaking down fat. The other two ketones are Acetone and Acetoacetate.
    Acetone is, obviously, toxic, so it’s a good thing that there’s none of it in Keto Tone! When your body produces it, it does so in very small amounts. These quantities are so tiny that your body expels it through your lungs when you exhale, with no negative effects.
    Acetoacetate is perfectly healthy, but it would be redundant to put it in a supplement. Why? Because your liver needs to convert it to BHB in order for you to metabolize it. It makes more sense just to supplement with BHB to begin with.
    In the ingredients list for Keto Tone, you’ll see three types of BHB: Magnesium BHB, Calcium BHB, and Sodium BHB. What does this mean?
    Simply put, calcium, magnesium, and sodium are salts which attach to BHB. These make it easy for your body to absorb it. Once they enter your blood stream, the ketones and the salts separate. So not only are you getting ketones, you’re getting a steady, balanced supply of electrolytes.
  • Forskolin. Forskolin is a derivative of various roots in the mint family. It’s been used in India and Southeast Asia for millennia as an herbal medicine, and has recently become popular among natural health fans, who see it as a healthy way to encourage fat burning.
    We checked the scientific research on this, and results seem to be mixed. On the one hand, there’s some evidence that forskolin may break down into ketones in the body. On the other hand, it may do nothing. So at best, it’s helpful, and at worst it doesn’t hurt.
  • Garcinia cambogia. This is found in a lot of ketogenic supplements. It’s a fruit rind derivative that’s rich in hydroxycitric acid (HCA). If you’re looking for an all-natural source of HCA, Garcinia cambogia is your best bet.
    HCA has two main benefits. First, it helps your body to burn fat. But the effect is negligible. More importantly, it helps to curb appetite. This can be helpful in the long run, but not necessarily for getting into ketosis, since you want to eat a normal amount of food until your body adjusts to the diet.
  • Lemon extract. We’re not quite sure why this would be in a keto supplement. However, it does encourage urination. This can reduce bloating if you’re drinking a lot of water – the ketogenic diet makes you thirsty. So this ingredient doesn’t help you lose weight, but it might make you more comfortable.
  • Magnesium stearate and rice flour. We’re disappointed by the addition of magnesium stearate, because it’s certainly not all-natural. On the other hand, it doesn’t hurt you. Both of these ingredients are just inert fillers to bulk up the capsule.
  • Silicon dioxide. This ingredient is also harmless and inert. It’s an anti-caking agent, and is commonly found in many dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals.
  • Gelatin. The gelatin coating makes the pills easier to swallow. It’s all-natural and harmless, but it’s derived from animal tissue. Vegans will not be happy about this, but vegans should not be on the ketogenic diet to begin with.

How Does Keto Tone Work?

Since the only Keto Tone ingredient we can be positive about is BHB, we’re going to focus on that.
In the ketogenic community, BHB is referred to as “exogenous ketones”, meaning ketones that come from outside your body, as opposed to “endogenous ketones”, which are naturally produced by your liver when it burns fat.
The point of taking exogenous ketones is to flood your body with ketones, which can counteract the effect of residual carbs in your diet. Even the healthiest ketogenic diet has some small number of carbs, and for some people, these small quantities can be enough to keep their body from staying in ketosis.
This leads to “keto flu”, which we’ll talk more about in a minute. It also prevents you from burning fat, and essentially puts you in a malnourished state. By taking exogenous ketones, you can keep your metabolism running smoothly.

Is it Effective or is Keto Tone a Scam?

“Scam” is a pretty strong word, and it definitely doesn’t apply to Keto Tone. While they’re definitely guilty of some overhyped marketing, that’s common in the supplement world.
Here’s the thing with keto supplements: it’s very easy to scam yourself. Many people see a bottle that promises to help them burn fat and lose weight, and they take that supplement. Then they continue to not get any exercise, and keep on eating fast food and guzzling soft drinks.
Rest assured, if you take this path, Keto Tone is going to do absolutely nothing to help you lose weight. You’ll just be taking a bunch of ketones and some fat burning aids. Without a ketogenic diet, though, your body will keep burning carbs, converting extra carbs to belly fat, and all of those ketones will get excreted in your urine.
A lot of commercials now use the phrase “as part of a healthy lifestyle” when describing their products’ benefits, and that phrase applies in spades to any ketogenic supplement. As part of a healthy, ketogenic lifestyle, Keto Tone’s ingredients can encourage your body to burn more fat. But this is not a miracle weight loss drug. You’ve got to do the work.

Potential Keto Tone Side Effects

As with any supplement, taking too much can lead to some negative consequences. In the case of Keto Tone, these include:
  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea
If you’re taking the recommended amount, this shouldn’t be a problem. The exception is if your body is not yet used to ketones – for example, if you’re just getting started on the keto diet. In this case, try cutting back from two pills a day to one. Once your body has gotten used to ketones, you can up your dose to the recommended two pills a day.
One reason you may be tempted to take too much is if you’re suffering from keto flu while you’re starting your diet. Many of the symptoms of keto flu are extremely unpleasant, much like an actual flu. However, taking more ketones is not going to help you resolve these issues.
Here are a few of the most common keto flu symptoms, and what you can do to alleviate them.

Sugar Withdrawal

“Withdrawal” isn’t an exaggeration here – it’s a medical reality. Our bodies crave carbs.
There’s a good reason for this. Back in the days when people were hunter gatherers, carbs were a rare luxury. Our caveman ancestors didn’t have a grocery store full of bread, pasta and sweets. The most readily available source of carbs were fruits.
Fruits are high in essential nutrients, and any given fruit will only be available for a few weeks of the year. So it should come as no surprise that our ancestors became wired to eat as much sweet food as possible. They were at no risk of getting fat, but they needed vitamins badly.
Nowadays, we still have our ancestors’ caveman genes, but we’re living in a world that’s full of carbs. This leads to addiction, and our bodies don’t like being cut off from their supply any more than an alcoholic likes going cold turkey. Sugar withdrawal can cause irritability, exhaustion, and body aches.
Unfortunately, there’s only one cure: stay the course. Stay on your diet. It will pass in less than a week.


Hypoglycemia is related to sugar withdrawal, but it’s not quite the same thing. It means “low blood sugar”, and normally it’s a sign that something seriously wrong with your body. When you have low blood sugar, symptoms can include confusion, shakes, dizziness, mental fog, muscle aches, and exhaustion.
Of course, you want to have low blood sugar if you’re on the ketogenic. It’s the whole point.
Fortunately, these symptoms aren’t a result of the lack of sugar. They’re a result of the lack of energy, which happens because your liver takes time to ramp up ketone production. Exogenous ketone supplements like Keto Tone can be very helpful here, since they provide an alternate source of energy for your body.

Dehydration and Electrolyte Deficiency

The ketogenic diet can cause your body to shed electrolytes like a cicada sheds its shell. This can lead to dehydration, as well as electrolyte deficiency. This gives you mental fog and a jittery feeling. The electrolytes in Keto Tone can help with this, but make sure to drink plenty of water. If symptoms persist, think about taking an electrolyte supplement to further boost your electrolyte levels.

Caffeine Withdrawal

A lot of people don’t like taking their coffee black. So when they start the ketogenic diet, they stop drinking coffee. Unfortunately, just like carbs, caffeine is addictive. Withdrawal symptoms include headaches and exhaustion.
Thankfully, there’s no reason to suffer through this. You can make a bulletproof coffee that’s keto-friendly and delicious, and you can do it without buying any of the overpriced “bulletproof coffee” packages touted by keto marketers.
Simply measure out 16 ounces of coffee, then add 2 tablespoons each of butter, heavy cream and MCT or coconut oil. Make sure to put all this in a blender to mix it thoroughly, or the oils will all rise to the top. Not only will you get your coffee fix, you’ll also get 500 fat calories, which can help your body get into and stay in ketosis.

Keto Tone Cost

Keto Tone is available in three different packages on their official website.
The basic package costs $68.94, and gets you one, 60-capsule bottle. This is a 30-day supply, and to be honest, the price is pretty steep. Thankfully, they seem to be pricing the one-bottle package this way on purpose to encourage you to buy a bigger package.
The next package is a “buy three, get two free” package. Here, they actually undersell themselves, since it costs $149.99, which works out to $50 a bottle if you were buying three bottles. Since you get five, you’re basically getting them at $29.99 a bottle.
Finally, there’s the “buy five, get three free” package, which costs $199.99. Once again, they’re selling themselves short, since this works out to $39.99 a bottle if you were only buying five. Since you’re buying eight bottles, the price works out to $24.99 per bottle.
All of that being said, Keto Tone is also available on numerous other online retailers such as Amazon. We’ve seen prices as low as $18.95 a bottle, so it definitely pays to shop around.


At the end of the day, whether or not you want to take Keto Tone is up to you. It’s not essential for the ketogenic diet, and it certainly won’t do anything to help you lose weight if you take it on its own.
That said, a lot of people have trouble getting into ketosis and staying there. If you’re one of those people, a keto supplement with BHB is one of the best ways to give your metabolism a boost. BHB is also hugely helpful in fighting the keto flu.
Like most supplements, Keto Tone likes to hype their own benefits like an online version of Billy Mays. This causes a lot of people to be understandably skeptical. However, if you take their claims with a grain of salt and understand what the ingredients actually do for your body, it’s clear that this supplement actually has some real benefits.
Remember: none of this matters if you’re not on the ketogenic diet to begin with. But if you’re looking for a keto diet aid, Keto Tone is a helpful tool to get you where you want to be. It’s also more affordable than many similar supplements, which is definitely attractive considering how much these supplements can cost.